Another event! This one is not strictly goth but I'm posting it anyways. THe night was Impulse, it takes place in the same bar as Resurrection. My husband was the opening DJ so I was pumped to go. The theme was the last in a series of themed nights featuring the seven deadly sins. This night was Pride. I didn't have anything super pridey (though I seriously considered making a shirt with my face on it, got lazy though.) I wore a Scorpio shirt my mom gave me a long time ago and since it's green, which is one of my favorite colors, I decided to go for an entire outfit made out of my favorite colors. Green and purple everything!

Here's a picture of the overall outfit. I ended up changing the shoes to a pair of little booty things I own.

This doesn't really show anything different but I included it because my husband decided to get trigger happy and I thought it was funny. His outfit was much more prideful than mine. I wonder if I can get him to send me a picture of it...